Monday, 2 May 2016

Don't Let The Child Valley to Abuse

Do not let the child into the black valley drugs. You can be the savior savior.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse America, drug abuse among teens has increased since the middle of 2000. Some of the factors that cause children to fall into this issue is also a family history of drug abuse, mental health conditions, such as depression, to merely follow a friend or try.

Strict parental supervision becomes an antidote to drug abuse in youth. The parents are expected not afraid to be open about this topic. Explaining the problem of abuse of illicit drugs from an early age will not be tempted to try to make a child. Instead, let the child know your views and understand what is expected of him.

• Good communication
Communication is the most important requirement, but should avoid direct form of communication or to lecture and provide the right information in a manner not scare. On the other hand, shared the experience of being the right move. Encourage children to talk to make a statement rather than asking questions and avoid asking questions that need answers or • • yes • no •.

• Explain the dangers and consequences
Your child may not fully understand the dangers of drug use. Explain clearly the use of drugs can cause serious health problems, such as brain damage and overdoses. Abuse of illegal drugs is also a major cause of injury or death associated with teens and suicide, violence, accidents, and so on. Give also explain that having the drug causes a person imprisoned, threatened not to enter leading universities, to jeopardize future work.

• Fertilizer confident child
Fostering the talents and interests of children with positive activities that will help build confidence and allows him to channel the confidence and reduces stress levels. If your child belongs creative, trying to register it in dance, music, painting, acting, or photography. Encourage the child to be active in extracurricular activities, such as joining in school corridors, doing volunteer work, or join a sports team. This exercise also makes children happy because it release endorphins in the brain.

• Prepare fortress
Most likely the kids will be offered drugs by their peers when socializing, such as festivals, performing arts, or perhaps while in the school bathroom. Teach children how to tackle the situation by refusing or avoiding a call to a friend.

• Be a role model for children
Children often mimic their parents how to deal with stress. If you come home from work and get used to drink alcohol, smoke, or drink in front of anti-stress your children, it is likely that the child will think that these things can be done. Unwittingly, this habit will be followed by children in the future.

Indeed, the children are involved in drug abuse is not easy. Worse, most parents realized that she had overdosed. Though there are some physical and behavioral characteristics that can be seen with the naked eye, such as red eyes, body odor, slow and shallow breathing.

In addition, certain behaviors may also indicate someone using drugs, such as changes in eating and drinking behavior, disturbed sleep activity, a personal emotional and sensitive, skipped school to ask for extra pocket money.

When you see signs of something wrong with the child's attitude about drug abuse, you should not panic, anger, or fear. If you suspect your child has a drug abuse problem, realize that you have a problem is the first step to recovery. This is important because you need valor and extraordinary power to pass all these tests.

If you are ready to make a change and are willing to seek help, do not be embarrassed and cover up the problem. Support is very important for you and the victims of addiction. Support can come from family members, friends, therapist, or counselor.

If you suspect that your child is abusing drugs, talk to him. Avoid accusatory and emotional reactions since everything is pointless. You should ask what the cause and encourage children to do so honestly without pressing element. Once you know the description of children, immediately contact your doctor, counselor, or health care providers who deal with the drug problem.

Finally, it is important for children as early as possible closer to the principles of good living. Do not forget to raise awareness and willingness of children to quickly recover from drug addiction.

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