The dangers of drug abuse narcotics for health for young students and others is not to be taken lightly. Because it is the Indonesian state narcotics cases and drug abuse are not few and too many victims of this drug.
Drugs or the abbreviation stands for the word of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. In Indonesia the term is also known by the wider community as well an extension of the drug or narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances are widely abused for personal gain.
And also for the benefit of the drug business is very detrimental to the life of the younger generations of Indonesia's successor.
Dangers of Narcotics For Health
According to WHO definitions establish the definition of a drug is a substance which when inserted into the human body will affect the physical and or psychological functions (except food, water, or oxygen).
While understanding the narcotics under Law No. 27 that drugs or narcotics in question is a substance or a drug derived from a plant or not plant, either synthetic or semi-synthetic.
Securities may impact drug use in the following forms:
Cause a decrease or no change in consciousness.
Reduce to eliminate pain.
Cause dependency / addictive (addictive).
The dangers of narcotics for the health effects of drug addiction is the toughest of his own. Due to the adverse effects that result from drug addicts is the desire to always wear them repeatedly.
If not put them on again there will be pain experienced by patients with drug dependence of this drug.
Types of Drugs
Many different shapes and types of these drugs. Here are some types of drugs and the effects of the use of, among others, are as follows:
This is the kind of narcotic drug active substances derived from opium through chemical processing. How to use adalaah through injected into the body (injection).
Opium (Opium)
or commonly known as opiates. Opium is the raw opium yanmg rude or obtained from the sap of the plant Papaver fruit samniterum inhaled / scratched and let it dry. Opium is a narcotic class of naturally often used by smoking.
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Drug And Narcotics Piece Type
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The dangers of drug abuse narcotics for health for young students and others is not to be taken lightly. Because it is the Indonesian state narcotics cases and drug abuse are not few and too many victims of this drug.
Drugs or the abbreviation stands for the word of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. In Indonesia the term is also known by the wider community as well an extension of the drug or narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances are widely abused for personal gain.
And also for the benefit of the drug business is very detrimental to the life of the younger generations of Indonesia's successor.
Dangers of Drug Abuse
Dangers of Narcotics For Health
According to WHO definitions establish the definition of a drug is a substance which when inserted into the human body will affect the physical and or psychological functions (except food, water, or oxygen).
While understanding the narcotics under Law No. 27 that drugs or narcotics in question is a substance or a drug derived from a plant or not plant, either synthetic or semi-synthetic.
Securities may impact drug use in the following forms:
Cause a decrease or no change in consciousness.
Reduce to eliminate pain.
Cause dependency / addictive (addictive).
The dangers of narcotics for the health effects of drug addiction is the toughest of his own. Due to the adverse effects that result from drug addicts is the desire to always wear them repeatedly.
If not put them on again there will be pain experienced by patients with drug dependence of this drug.
Types of Drugs
Many different shapes and types of these drugs. Here are some types of drugs and the effects of the use of, among others, are as follows:
This is the kind of narcotic drug active substances derived from opium through chemical processing. How to use is through injected into the body (injection).
Opium (Opium)
or commonly known as opiates. Opium is the raw opium that rude or obtained from the sap of the plant Papaver fruit samniterum inhaled / scratched and let it dry. Opium is a narcotic class of naturally often used by smoking.
Types of Drugs
Cannabis (Marijuana)
This is often the case that the drug most widely reported and attack all people in our society. Cannabis is a plant species cannabis is usually cut, dried, cut into small - small and to be rolled cigarettes called joints.
Smack Heroin
This type of drug class will more easily penetrate the brain so it is more powerful than morphine itself.
The following types of narcotics division of classes based on the information reported by the website (National Narcotics Agency) of the Republic of Indonesia in include:
Marijuana (herbal)
Hashish (resin)
Sedative & Transquilizer
Solvents & inhalants
Impact Effects of Drugs for Health
Narcotics and drugs and addictive substances / substances may cause effects and negative effects for the wearer. The negative impact it is definitely detrimental and very bad effect for Physical and Mental Health.
However sometimes some kind of drug is still used in medicine, but only given to certain patients and not to be consumed by the public and free society.
Therefore abused drugs and narcotics that can cause a variety of effects varied.
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