Alcohol is a key ingredient in the manufacture of liquor, with levels respectively, as wishky, beer, brandy and wine. Alcohol is a clear liquid, volatile, easy to move, are intoxicating, has a distinctive odor, heat, combustible by providing a blue flame and no smoke.
Types Alakohol
There are several types of alcohol, such as:
Alcohol Absolut - ie alcohol almost called pure alcohol, the alcohol content is calculated as C2H5OH 99.8% and 0.2% water.
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) - It is hard alcohol from 95 to 96.8%
Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) - Alcohol which has the simplest structure.
Isopanol (Isoprophyl Alcohol)
All kinds of liquor is an alcoholic, but there is a liquor that is used as a medicine, the following is a liquor that includes not drugs, namely:
Liquor Group A, the levels of ethanol (C2H5OH) of 1-15%
Class B liquor, ethanol content of more than 5% - 20%
Class C liquor, ethanol content of more than 20% - 55%
Alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages, containing certain substances ethanol content of 1-55%, which if consumed in excess (> 100 mg / dl) can make a person's mood changed. People become irritable and attention to the environment is disturbed, can result in impaired motor coordination, as well as cause damage to the brain tissue. People with impaired motor coordination can do anything without realizing.
Many factors cause a person consumes alcohol, which are:
Individual factors - individual factors of this happened because, curiosity, try - try, and it can happen also because of severe stress.
Factors Drug - drug factor is about nature - the pharmacological properties, bodily disease, or a psychological state of the individual's personality, causing individuals must use the alcohol.
Environmental factors - for example people's views about the use of alcohol, the fashion among teenagers (association), lifestyle, values - cultural values of society, and others.
Effects of Alcohol in the Specific Content
Excessive alcohol use would provide a lot of negative effects, for health can also be made a criminal offense. Here are some negative effects on the use of alcohol with a certain level.
Levels in the Blood Alcohol Effects Alcohol Consumption
1. 50 mg / dl are still able to socialize, quiet
2. 80 mg / dl
Coordination is reduced (reduced physical and mental abilities),
Reflexes become slower (both of these affect driving safety)
3. 100 mg / dl Impaired coordination are clearly visible
4. 200 mg / dl confusion, decreased memory and impaired coordination is even more severe (can not stand)
4. 300 mg / dl Penuruanan awareness
5. 400 mg / dl or more coma, death
Dangers of Alcohol in Organs
Although the use of alcohol in certain limit is less risky, but in the long run can cause damage to the body organs, such as the following:
Organ In The Body Effects Alcohol Consumption
1. On Pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis), cancer, low blood sugar levels
2. At the heart abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart failure
3. In the blood vessels of high blood pressure, aterosklorosis, stroke
4. Brain Confusion, loss of coordination, poor short term memory, psychosis.
5. On Nerves reduced ability to walk, (nerve damage in the arms and legs that controls movement)
Dangers of Alcohol raises Disease
Alcohol contained in beverages, cause disease in health, which are, as follows:
1. Anemia
The use of alcohol in large quantities can cause a decrease in red blood cells, and lead to anemia.
2. Cancer
The habit of consuming alcoholic drinks, causes a higher risk of cancer, this risk occurs because the body converts alcohol into aseltidihida, which is a powerful carcinogenic agents. The type of cancer that occurs as a result of alcohol consumption are often:
oral cancer
cancer of the pharynx (throat)
cancer of the larynx (voice box)
cancer of the esophagus (gullet)
heart cancer
breast cancer
colon cancer.
3. Cardiovascular Disease
One study found that consuming alcohol in excessive amounts can double the risk of death in heart patients.
Consuming lots of alcohol is can also cause cardiomyopathy. This condition can cause death due to weakening and failure of heart muscle function that cause blood clots that lead to stroke.
4. Liver Cirrhosis
Alcohol is a toxin that can damage the liver cells, causing liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver is a condition in which the liver tissue injuries were so severe that not able to function.
5. Memory Disorders
Consuming a lot of alcohol can also lead to a decrease in the ability to create a plan, the ability to assess, and solve problems, and various other functions disorders.
6. Depression
Consuming alcoholic beverages can cause depression.
7. Seizures
Much alcohol can cause epilepsy and trigger seizures in people who do not suffer from epilepsy. In addition, alcohol also affects the action of drugs used to treat seizures and epilepsy.
8. Gout (Gout)
Gout is a condition caused by the formation of uric acid crystals, the joints that causes joint pain as a danger gout. For patients with gout, consuming alcoholic drinks will aggravate the disease, including the food causes gout.
9. High Blood Pressure
Alcohol can interfere with the sympathetic nervous system, which serves to regulate construction (shrinkage and dilatation (widening) of the blood vessels. It is as the body's reaction to stress, changes in temperature and power usage.
Consuming lots of alcohol, can cause blood pressure which, if prolonged, will cause other diseases, such as kidney.
10. Infectious Diseases
Alcohol consumption can suppress a person's immune system, which causes the virus infected easily the most dangerous diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases such as, tubekolosis, HIV / AIDS, pneumonia.
11. Nerve Damage
Alcohol also is toxic to nerve cells that cause nerve damage called neuropathy alcoholic. Pain like punctured and needles on the means of motion, muscle weakness, their urge to urinate immediately, erectile dysfunction, and various other disorders.
Effects of Alcohol Affect Social Life
In addition to affecting health, alcohol is also one factor in the crime. There are four ways that the association between alcohol with criminality, namely:
The direct effects of alcohol can trigger a crime by changing the normally inhibasi someone does not behave normally.
Crime can be found in illegal attempts to obtain alcoholic beverages.
Drinking alcohol and drunk himself associated as criminal behavior.
The impact of excessive consumption in the long term associated indirectly with the crime due to the reduced ability of a person to perform the duties so that he began to become more permissive personal against unlawful acts.
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