If it really wants to recover, addicts must first strengthen the determination and of course left the old neighborhood. But sometimes a strong determination alone is not enough to be freed from the shackles of opiate drugs.
Most addicts need the help of therapy in order to eliminate the effects of drugs that have already damaging the system in the brain.
"Therapies is diverse, some from the medical, non-medical and spiritual," said Dr. Iskandar Hukom, Secretary General of Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB), when contacted detikHealth, Wednesday (06/06/2012).
Communities are generally familiar with rehabilitation as a therapy for the treatment of drug addiction. But Dr. Iskandar said not all addicts kick the habit can be effective only with rehab and hospitalized.
Sometimes rehab can actually bring harm to addicts, especially those using drugs only as a social user (for social reasons).
"Not all addicts should be rehabilitated, because rehabilitation synonymous with hospitalization. It could have been treated on an outpatient basis origin with strict rules. Sometimes inpatient actually have a negative impact, especially for social user because that is usually entered rehab the hardcore, might she even contaminated, "said Dr. Iskandar.
So according to Dr. Iskandar, before putting addicts into rehab, the assessment needs to be done over and over and can not be beaten flat for all addicts.
According to Dr. Iskandar, there are some drug therapies are offered in Indonesia, among others:
1. Medical therapy
Medical therapy is usually done by giving the patient a drug that can reduce the effects of withdrawal symptoms in addicts, coupled with psychotherapy and supportive counseling.
2. The non-medical therapy or spiritual
"There was the 12-step program. The program is known in America in the '50s when many people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography. At every step of the addict are invited resistant and each step was also evacuated continuously by a mentor. After 12th step is completed, there will be repeated again from the beginning, "said Dr. Iskandar.
In addition to the 12-step treatment program, there is also a therapeutic community (community therapy). This therapy is also introduced in America in the 60s or 70s, when many prisons the case of addicts that unites between addicts and airports.
"Addicts and airports that can not be united, because it might addict even more contaminated," said Dr. Iskandar.
The principle of this therapy is 'from us to us'. So in a therapy, addicts will create its own rules which will then be applied by other addicts. Later developments will be monitored addicts of recap center.
"It's the most widely applied. But usually each parlors will use the modified therapy," said Dr. Iskandar.
3. Alternative Therapies
In addition to medical and non medical therapy or spiritual, some alternative therapies. Examples boiled therapy of patients who are in Purbalingga, Central Java.
Drug treatment performed or Ustadz Maulana Ahmad Ichsan Ichsan (38) is fairly extreme and unique. Therapy is done by boiling the patient in the drum on top of the stove.
How do managers Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Nurul Al-Islami Ichsan Syifa Ar-Ridlo in Hamlet Legoksari, Karangsari village, District Kalimanah, Purbalingga, Central Java, this is done as the boiling corn, beans or cassava. The difference drum therapy is not closed, but left open.
Ustadz dubbed Godog Kyai is initially heats the water in the drum at chest height. Once the water is boiling, the water will be given herbs and yeast tempeh. Then the water is mixed with water tawassul.
To reassure the patient, ustdaz and his wife will give an example of alternately soak in the drum. After the patient was stable we turn nyemplung patients.
During the boiling process, which is 30 minutes, the patient will sit on a small chair. The Kyai requested to remain calm or not afraid. Not far from there is the television drum lit for viewing by the patient during boiling. The goal is that patients feel enjoy a soak. It's when the panic, the water which has received such special treatment prayed it was hot.
According to the cleric dubbed Kyai Godog, hot water was warm by the patient. How to boil the clerics said was an attempt to remove toxins or poisons from the body of the patient.
According to the patients who experienced ecstasy and dextro dependence will boil four to five times. For methamphetamine addicts can be boiled up to eight times. The hardest part was addicted to heroin because it will be soaked up to 15 times.
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