For most problems, getting rid of toxins in the acceleration of the drug, we give vitamin-shaped fluid infusion on the patient's drug addiction that has the objective to stimulate the body so as not to lose the toxins caused by drug use.
How Therapy System Runs?
In the system of drug therapy to get rid of toxins in the blood, we do three main things to recognize:
Phlebotomy is a step, especially in the plan to free your body from drugs. This sort of thing is the action of lowering the blood volume by way of removing it through a vein in a phased manner and quickly.
Phlebotomy avail in Drug Therapy
- Substitution of blood will run faster, the oxidation of cholesterol so much slower.
- Blood flow also become more fluent and able to avoid the accumulation of fat and cholesterol oxidation products in the walls of coronary arteries.
- Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease emergence.
- Decrease of oxidative stress in the body, lowering insulin resistance events, and increase the content of HDL (good cholesterol).
- Updating new blood cells
- Increase the production of blood
- Thought to be more stable
- Helps the body reduce the number of red blood cells in the blood. No need to worry with the shrinking of red blood cells, because the spinal cord would speedily fill up again the red blood cells that have been lost. Finally, we will obtain a new blood supply and stimulate the manufacture of new blood.
Ozone Therapy MAH Hanssler
Ozone therapy is therapy that uses ozone also avail goodness as a stimulant in the blood so that blood can be added to work well.
Avail Ozone Therapy for Drug Addicts
- Modulator oxidative stress: Ozone Therapy helps to maximize the antioxidant system in the body. This sort of thing can help you to be able to hinder the early aging, increase antioxidant enzymes, and reduce free radicals.
- Immunomodulatory: System oxidative points above, causes the body to produce more body's immune defenses, this kind of thing can handle an illness or problem that could cause the shrinking of immunity modular or worse, which can lead to autoimmune disease.
- Regenerator and Biostimulasi: Ozone may also lead to additional turnover diverse tissue types (treatment of external injuries and on the network) because the ozone therapy can often be used for the purpose of beauty. On the issue of drug addiction, Ozone can help improve liver functionality in order to work extra to produce good blood that is free from drugs
- Detoxification: Except increase antioxidant system, ozone therapy can also increase the benefits of the liver and kidneys filter. This sort of thing would Helping your body to get rid of risky substances.
Infusion BIT 15, 000mg
Phlebotomy System as well as the impact of ozone therapy is believed to reduce the many useful enzymes in the body. Therefore, it takes a "doping" so that the organs of the body could be more quickly stimulate the body's systems work back to normal, free from drugs.
Drugs are substances, items that can not be misconstrued wear. The basic science can lead to you as a human being, can not live without drugs. Addiction is addictive and it is feared some impact on drug users.
How Long Drug Therapy System?
In the experience that we have encountered, there are some people who 2x perform ozone therapy, has passed the test of drug toxins in the blood. But on other issues, some people have a duration of more rapid healing drug addiction. Therefore, the time prior to therapy, you should do the consultation, so that medical personnel can do approach us in the position of the patient's addiction, until it can give suggesti in many estimations therapy is needed in doing.
Drug Detox Premium Morning - Afternoon
Phlebotomy 1x = Rp. 300. 000
BIT 15, 000mg 1x = Rp. 3. 904. 500
Ozone Therapy MAH Hanssler 2x = Rp. 1. 500. 000
Overall = Rp. 5. 704. 500
Drug Detox Gold Morning - Afternoon
Phlebotomy 1x = Rp. 300. 000
Ozone Therapy MAH Hanssler 2x = Rp. 1. 500. 000
Overall = Rp. 1. 800. 000
Info: Ozone Therapy MAH Hanssler was done during the morning and afternoon. This sort of thing is done so that the body can react to normal, and reduce the negative impact of system loss of drug toxins in the patient's body. How healing is often used by medical personnel in Europe. Start Low, Go Slow.
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