Monday, 2 May 2016

Metadone Therapy Methode For Addicts Narcotics

Methadone maintenance therapy program (PTRM) starting from a result of tests conducted WHO is getting cause of the increased incidence of HIV / AIDS is mainly due to drug use to exchange needles at random. The fact that users of psychoactive substances in particular by using a syringe (IDUs) continue to rise in Indonesia, especially in Bali.

For example, in Jakarta, 68% of the patients who went to Dependency (Drug Dependence Hospital) are injection drug users (IDUs) in which 72% of the amount of the frequent use of used needles and 59% exchange of syringes. While in Bali on the results of the Rapid Assessment of the use of psychoactive substances was found that 37% of 287 respondents using psychoactive substances and most of them using a syringe. Surveys blood test result, injecting drug users are HIV positive 50% and 70% of them are infected with hepatitis C.

HIV spreading very rapidly among injecting drug users in need of comprehensive therapy business. In connection with the WHO in collaboration with the government of Indonesia (MOH) conducted a pilot project in the form of Methadone maintenance program for heroin substitution using methadone at two hospitals, namely RSKO and Sanglah Hospital where the trial is concerned with harm reduction. The project officially began in Sanglah Hospital on February 17, 2003 and survived until today (over 5 years).

Methadone substitution selected as primary therapy because it has an effect resembling morphine and cocaine with a longer tenure so that it can be given once daily and its use by mouth. The effects of methadone are similar to those caused by heroin, but the effect of "fly" it does not give as much pleasure usually on methadone, nature is not as bad heroin dependence and withdrawal symptoms, the medicine is not as heavy as heroin.

PTRM main purpose of establishment is to assess whether methadone substitution can be accepted as an option for the treatment of opiate dependency. While the specific objectives are as follows: o lower the injecting drug user.To prevent transmission of blood-borne diseases such as HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis B and C by reducing the use of drugs by injection and exchanging syringes. To help people reach a state of drug dependence, drug free by way of detoxification and improve the quality of life. To improve the health status of drug users and additives so as to live a normal and productive through PTRM.

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